- Last seen a long time ago
- Gender:
- Woman
- Seeking a:
- Man
- Age:
- 32
- Location:
- Philippines
- Looking for:
- Friendship
- With age from:
- 18
- to:
- 25
- Headline:
- looking for a friend :)
- Appearance
- Body type:
- Slim
- Height:
- 5' 1" (155 cm)
- Eyes:
- Black
- Hair:
- Black
- Ethnicity:
- Asian
- Lifestyle
- Smoking:
- No
- Drinking:
- Socially
- Home and family
- Marital status:
- Single
- Have kids:
- No
- Want (more) kids:
- No
- Professional life
- Education:
- Some high school
- Personal
- Religion:
- Christian / Catholic
- Interests:
- Shopping, Outdoors Camping, Health Fitness, Playing music, Gaming, Computers Internet, Travel, Photography, Listening to music, Arts
- All about me:
Photography Is My FASHiON in Life :)
I Love taking pictures && images that can attract this empty colorful world of mine.
My world is A MESS.
I am Sympathic, Sophisticated and Crazy Funny.
&& i am now living with my misery Life ^^the simpLest things that makes me LAUGH.
it's not HARD to PLEASE me.
em' a FREE-SPiRiT
Lemme' tell yeu im enough STRON6.
and truLy DETERMiiNED.
i LOVE to LOOk at the STARRS.
em just a GiiRLand that's
ALL i WANNA BE . :))
- My Perfect Match:
looking for friendship