- Last seen a long time ago
- Gender:
- Man
- Seeking a:
- Woman
- Age:
- 36
- Location:
- Italy
- Looking for:
- Marriage
- With age from:
- 20
- to:
- 26
- Headline:
- Let's build a longlasting relation through passion
- Appearance
- Body type:
- Athletic
- Height:
- 5' 9" (175cm)
- Eyes:
- Brown
- Hair:
- Black
- Ethnicity:
- Asian
- Lifestyle
- Smoking:
- No
- Drinking:
- No
- Home and family
- Marital status:
- Single
- Have kids:
- No
- Want (more) kids:
- Yes
- Professional life
- Education:
- College Graduated
- Personal
- Religion:
- Islam Sunni
- Interests:
- Shopping, Outdoors Camping, Pets, Health Fitness, Playing sports, Television, Gaming, Computers Internet, Cooking, Travel, Watching sports, Reading, Photography, Movies, Dining Going to Restaurants, Arts
- All about me:
I love to manage time. what i do is make plans for everyday activities and do thiem one by one during the day .I love to do things one at a time.I give all my attention to what I am doing at a time it means when i am talking to someone i give her all my soul and emotions lol funny but it is true.I am a book reader i love reading books.I get red of clutter in my living place.I also like poetry i have made some poems....i can speak 6 languages.
- My Perfect Match:
I have mentioned most of my interests I wish she would be someone who will like them and have some of them .but there still could be some differences in personalities which we may negotiate.
I wish she would be someone who would focuse more on love so through love and passion we can build our longs lasting relation.